Barack Obama Biography

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Barack Obama Credentials

Much has been said about our Democratic candidate for president. He has achieved rock star status. Because of his silver tongue, many look at him as someone who can "save" us from ourselves.

I learned many years ago when something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

After doing much research, I have found out a lot about Obama. There is a lot of fluff on the Internet, much of which isn't true. However If one checks the right resources and double checks against other information, one can be reasonably sure to have arrived at the proper conclusions.

As I have written in other blogs, Obama is a Muslim, regardless as to how they try to spin it, he was born of a Muslim father, Muslim law states that if your father is a Muslim, you are a Muslim. No amount of converting will change that. His name which is the same as his fathers, is Arabic,

Junior's first name Barack, is a deviation of Barak, the name of the horse that Mohammad rode into heaven.

Obama has many, many long time ties to the Islam world, his Harvard education was financed, at least in part by a prominent member of the Arab world, (they recruited Barack many years ago), this same person has ties to the Saudi prince, Oh mar Qaddafi, and every prominent Arab and radical leader in the world. The Muslims have contributed billions of dollars to our American Universities and Colleges, including Columbia. Any wonder that the Iran leader was allowed to speak there?

With the power these influential people have, can you conceive the consequences of having someone in the White House that is sympathetic to their goals of world domination? They are attacking us from within and no one realizes it!

They own many of our financial institutions, including Citigroup. Over the last decades much money has been sent to the Middle East to purchase oil that we should be drilling for right in America. This money has in turn been spent buying us out. Because of this, many influential people in this country are under their thumb.

His associations include terrorists, extremists, and many people who don't like America very well. He has a problem wearing a flag lapel pin, standing at attention during the playing of our National Anthem, has said there are 57 states, (he will know where Alaska is before this is over.) Doesn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day, flipped off Hillary on live TV, called Sarah Palin a pig, (he knew exactly what he was saying), and referred to his Muslim faith on a Sunday morning talk show.

For the most part he spent a lot of time growing up in Indonesia, so he has no idea of what the American culture is all about.

I haven't confirmed this, but have every reason to believe, with his background and the history of the people he associates with, the FBI wouldn't accept him as an agent.

If the FBI wouldn't hire him, should we?

I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, to read some of my views :

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