Barack Obama Biography

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Is Barak Obama Really Black?

Is Barak Really Black?

Author: Micahyah Hawkins

The word “black” has always echoed the connotations of evil, gloom, disaster and pessimism. Whether it is to describe the color of a man’s skin or the content of his character, black continually reflects the things that we find less desirable, reputable or noble. Throughout our most recent centuries, we have willingly latched on to the ominous ideas of what we believe the word “black” to mean. But, belief does not reflect knowledge. Through knowledge, we gain meaning and meaning, expands our horizons of truth.

Black is a word that can be found in any dictionary. What you may not find however, are the original meanings of this small, simple word. The first languages of man, (Hebrew, Chaldee and Aramaic) all describe the word “black” as meaning: to lighten, to shine, brightness. Even in Old English, black is described as “white” and “bright”; hardly the definitions that we have familiarized ourselves with throughout the years. Simply put, black can also represent hope, truth and the dawning of a new day. It doesn’t always have to be misery, misfortune and madness.

Barak Obama is a symbol of commencing prosperity. He is a light in a despairing world, which is shadowed by helplessness, greed and degeneracy. Carrying a torch of hope, he is inspiring us to accept the challenge of change. He knows that the past is in the past. It cannot be altered nor rewritten. It is now a part of the dust of the ages. We must move forward now and leave behind our beliefs of what “black” really is and discover what black has always been.

It is impossible to gauge the essence of a man by the color of his skin. Indeed, why would you even try to do so? Black, yes, Barak is black. If some individuals still find it impossible to move beyond his pigmentation, then some final thoughts are necessary.

Most names today come from the Hebrew, German, Latin, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh languages. To find out the meaning of a particular name, you must trace the etymology. Looking at the name “Barak” in the Hebrew, Chaldee and Aramaic languages, one discovers a most interesting thing. Barak means: to shine, to gleam, brightness and splendor – all descriptive words for light, bright and white – all words describing “black”.

In the days old, a name represented everything about an individual. Even today, in many European, African and Middle Eastern countries, great importance is placed on a name. History shows us that a name reflected one’s reputation, his internal essence and inward nature. It even revealed who a person was and who they were to become. Their name was a compilation of their present and their future. As for Barak Obama… well, it isn’t a coincidence as to why the world is embracing a hopeful optimism and an aspiring belief that tomorrow really can be a better day. Where there’s light, there is hope and that my friend, is enough for now.

About the Author:

Micahyah Hawkins is a Bible Code researcher and analyst. She is also the editor of “Bright Light Bible Ezine” and is an etymologist. She also owns: =>

Article Source: - Is Barak Really Black?

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